Call for Papers: Right to the City 4.0?

October 11, 2023

Call for Papers: Right to the City 4.0? Digital Planning and Participation Arrangements for an Intelligent Transformation of Urban Infrastructures

Research Workshop May 16-17, 2024, Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Germany

Cities and their infrastructures play a crucial role in dealing with the climate and environmental crisis. They are contributors to the climate crisis, and at the same time places where it is already being felt drastically. Urban infrastructures must be protected from the impacts of climate change to prevent catastrophic disruptions and failures, but at the same time they offer a wealth of opportunities for effectively reducing CO2 emissions and resource consumption. Our urban infrastructures must become more sustainable and crisis-proof; we need, according to a common catch-phrase, intelligent solutions for an intelligent transformation. But what exactly are intelligent solutions, what makes an intelligent transformation?

Please send abstracts (300 words, in English or German) by 15 December 2023 to Kathrin Braun. 


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