Reflection for All
Critical reflection on intelligent systems concerns everyone, whether students, teachers, researchers, or employees. Therefore, here, you will find many different offers to initiate and enable this reflection and to cover individual needs. Continuous exchange—in various forms—is also a crucial component for critical reflection and change.
Offerings include, but are not limited to, events, lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, and more. We are delighted that there are already some interdisciplinary opportunities in the different subjects, which can be found under the corresponding tabs.
If you know of any other events (or if you are leading one yourself), we would be very happy to hear about them and have a conversation about them.
Have fun discovering the exciting offers - and several good impulses for reflecting on intelligent systems and their implications for society.
Our Offers at the University of Stuttgart
Critical Reflection of Intelligent Systems in Society (CRISS)
CRISS is an online based self-learning course, available for any- and everyone interested to learn more about unconscious biases, stereotypes and how this might affect you and your work.
Combining five units on critical reflection, it can be integrated into lectures or seminars. The focus is for participants to deal with unconscious bias and its impact on themselves, their work and the effects on society.
The aim is for participants to deal with unconscious biases and their influence on all aspects of life (themselves, career/studies, society). Different modules focus on different topics, each of which is part of the reflection process.
- Module: Understanding Unconscious Bias and Stereotypes
- Module: Managing your Unconscious Biases
- Module: Practicing Self-Reflection
- Module: Understanding Critical Thinking
- Module: Applying Critical Thinking
CRISS has already been integrated in the following study programs:
- M.Sc. Simulation Technology (mandatory)
- M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (elective)
- AISA certification program (mandatory)
- M.A. Education (elective)
- B.Sc./M.Sc. Technische Kybernetik (elective)
- B.Sc./M.Sc. Fahrzeugtechnik (elective)
The seminar "AI and Data in Education: An Ethical Reflection" critically addresses perspectives and challenges of AI-based systems in education by evaluating case studies and existing technologies. It focuses particularly on related ethical considerations and also introduces relevant legal frameworks. The goal of the seminar is to equip future education and training professionals as well as system designers with the skills and mindset to engage in an informed and reflective use of AI in education.
The course is part of the following study programs:
- M.Ed. Educational Sciences (elective)
- B.A. Computer Science Education (elective)
- B.Sc. Data Science (elective)
We also offer individual units related to critical reflection, which can be integrated into existing study or training programs.
With this, we are part of the following programs:
- B.A. Teaching Degree Educational Sciences (Lecture "Psychological Foundations of Teaching and Learning")
- B.A. Vocational and Technical Education (Lecture "Psychological Foundations of Teaching and Learning")
- B.Sc. Simulation Techology (Lecture)
- Ph.D. Simulation Technology (GS seminar, summer school)
Further Reflection at the University of Stuttgart
Existing Course Offers
Several study programs already include courses related to critically reflecting on science, intelligent systems, and society. For more information, please see the course catalog.
If you are teaching a course or lecture where critical reflection or ethical aspects of AI and other intelligent systems are covered, please contact me (, so we can include your course in the catalog.
Key Qualifications
- Ethik und Technik (German)
- Teaching offer of the IZKT
- Institute of Medical Device Technology
Interdisciplinary Key Competencies by Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
If you are interested in a slightly different format for reflecting on intelligent systems, you are sure to find it here:
- Graduate Academy (GRADUS) - Offers: For Ph.D. students (e.g. unconscious bias awareness)
- Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning (ZLW) - Offers: Latest news and events (in German)
Courses for Educators
TTT are workshops presenting ways to implement critical reflection in the classroom or learning environment. Through interactive methods, students will not only learn about critical reflection and its importance theoretically but experience it for themselves first. There will be an overview of a variety of tools for promoting critical (self)reflection in order for everyone teaching to create and build their own "toolbox".
- What is it about?
- This workshop focuses on critical reflection, (un)conscious biases and how they affect us and everything we do. The training provides tools as well as ideas to interactively implement them in the classroom. No matter what field of work, our thinking and preconceived ideas and views influence our behavior and problem solving processes. To enhance the quality of students' work, it is important to start with critically reflecting on themselves, their way of seeing the world and their work.
- Who is it for?
- Everyone who is teaching and would like to implement critical reflection in their classes.
- What is included?
- Included in the workshop are:
- A variety of tools to promote critical reflection
- Materials to implement critical reflection in the classroom
- Concept ideas to apply critical reflection to the particular field of work
- Included in the workshop are:
- Workshop format?
- This 1-day TTT workshop can be held either in person or online.
With a minimum of 5 participants, this free workshop can be booked per request.
Contact for Materials or Questions

Tabea Berberena
M.A.Scientific Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Forum RISING | Doctoral Researcher focusing on trust in intelligent systems